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Meet some of our past advertisers

PeepCode Screencasts are a high-intensity way to learn Ruby on Rails website development.

Experienced developers have said that PeepCode is “fantastic and the price is a steal.” Designer/developers have said they are “exactly the type of instruction I need to pick up new things and understand how they work.”

Engine Yard focuses on deployment and operations support, so you can focus on developing your business. Start while in development and scale your user base without stress along the way.

Engine Yard supports the Ruby community by sponsoring the development of Rails, Merb, Rubinius and other open source projects.

GitHub is the easiest (and prettiest) way to participate in that collaboration: fork projects, send pull requests, monitor development, all with ease.

GitHub was written for public, open source projects and private, proprietary code. If you use Git, GitHub is for you.

Metabahn is a consulting agency based in Huntsville, AL. It is a small group thinking up creative ways to build web applications. Their philosophy centers on providing the simplest, most effective solutions to deliver the best user-experience possible.

This vision for Metabahn was formed over five years ago by company founder and now lead developer, Bryan Powell. Today, our vision remains the same. We strive to raise the bar for web applications by staying at the forefront of technology.

Getting things done has just been upgraded. Whether you’re an army of one or a team of 50, Lighthouse’s simple interface lets you get down to business on your projects.

It’s extremely easy to find the tickets you’re looking for based on a variety of keywords. Looking for tickets created last week by John? No problem! Also, with the current Lighthouse API, you can integrate Subversion commit messages and Changesets directly into your project.