Call for Papers

Issue 2 of the Rubyist

What can I submit?

The Rubyist is seeking proposals covering current Ruby news and practices. Submissions can be philosophical, technical or instructive.

Past submissions have included tutorials, updates on recent developments, coding tips and tricks, and pieces focusing on technical philosophies.

How can I submit?

Submissions can be emailed to . Note that The Rubyist requires a 30-day exclusive on all submissions, during which pieces may be published on our website (under the Creative Commons License at your request).

What are the deadlines?

Issue 2 of The Rubyist is set for publication in February 2009.

Proposals must be received by January 15th, and accepted authors will be emailed within three days of submission. Completed articles will be due by January 25.

Editors will be available to provide feedback and rough edits all through the writing period. Authors will receive edited versions of their submissions before the magazine goes to press, and will have a small window to discuss any additional changes.

Can you help me with an idea?

Absolutely! If you’re interested in writing about a certain technology or development, but are having trouble crystalizing your idea, email us and we’ll help flesh it out. But be mindful of the deadlines!